Target DPS Meter |
This DPS Meter show the DPS on your Target from all Damage Dealer.
Current DPS = DPS on Target for the last 5sec
Maximum DPS = Max DPS in full Fight. Reset if CurHP=MaxHP
Averaget DPS = Average DPS on Target for the Full Fight. Reset if CurHP=MaxHP
Elapsed Time = Time from first hit to now
Eestimated Time = CalcTime to kill with the cur AvgDPS
Controlled DPS Meter |
This DPS Meter show all DPS that you do to all Targets.
Current Direct DPS = Direct DPS for the last 5sec
Current Condition DPS = Condition DPS for the last 5sec
Avg Direct DPS = Average Direct DPS / max Time 60sec
Avg Condition DPS = Average Condition DPS / max Time 60sec
Crit Hits (last 10) = Critical Hits in % for the last 10Hits
Crit Hits (last 50) = Critical Hits in % for the last 50Hits
Boss Detail DPS Meter |
Avg Direct DPS = Average Direct DPS - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
Avg Condition DPS = Average Condtion DPS - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
Full Damage Value = Summary Damage - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
Full Damage % = Your DPS to Target Full DPS in % - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
Full Damage Value = Summary Damage - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
Full Damage % = Your DPS to Target Full DPS in % - Full Fight only on Specific Boss
You must config the Boss Detail Meter.
Open in BossDetail Directory the BossDetails.dat File and setup your Bosses. The 3rd Raid Bosses are done. Change the Name to your lang and thats all.
Could you please make a new video guide on how to set up the program? Because everytime I try, I am not able to get any kind of numbers for health, dps or even the right fps. I don't know if this is an issue for my machine only, an issue with win 10 or something else.